Dr. Kline is a fellowship-trained, board-certified vascular surgeon. He is a leader in the field of limb salvage surgery, a nationally recognized authority in complex wound care, and a leading authority in the world in vertebral artery surgery and brain blood flow. He is the director and founder of the S.A.V.E. Foundation (an organization which promotes education and research in the fields of vascular disease and wound care), has been named one of the country’s top vascular surgeons by the Consumers Research Council of America, and has been named in the Who’s Who repeatedly since 1991.
He is the author of over 60 textbook chapters, research papers, and educational videos. Prior to moving to Tucson with his wife and daughter in 2004, he was an associate professor of Vascular Surgery and the Program Director for the Vascular Surgery Fellowship at Wayne State University, at the Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan. He has also served as Chief of Staff at Southern Michigan Surgical Hospital.
He continues to publish, especially in the field of complex wound care. He is the chairman of the Southwest Annual Wound Care Symposium which has been held in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Kline continues to lecture locally and nationally in the areas of vascular surgery and wound care. His hobbies include digital photography, astronomy, gardening, Japanese Koi, cooking, jewelry design, and manufacture.